Yesterday started with me hating the world with having to deal with the time change, but ended on a high note. Mondays are always pretty busy at my work and I was determined to get out on time, so I worked through lunch and sped through as much as I could so I could rush home, get in a quick two miles with Libbie and Jake (!), head to a RAD class with one of my girl friends, and then make it to a Bachelor watching party to end the night.
It was so beautiful here yesterday that I was even able to convince Jake to go on a quick jog. He'll run with me on nice days and running with him and Libbie has to be one of the best things ever. Between commenting on the weird colors people paint their front doors to Libbie having stare downs with every squirrel we pass, it's pretty entertaining.
I picked up my friend after that and we headed to our first RAD class. RAD stands for Rape Aggression Defense and teaches self defense and safety to women. Last night was 3 hours of classroom training but the next 3 classes will be in a gym for physical training and simulations. I'm sooo excited! Jake has been wanting me to take a self defense class forever now and when I found the RAD class (and a friend to go with), I knew it would be perfect. The class fills up fast but is free to VCU students and only $10 for anyone else.
I'll do a more complete evaluation once I finish the program next week but I think as a woman, knowing self defense may not only help if God forbid it ever needs to be used in a real life situation but also instills a sense of confidence and independence to rely on one's self.
Last night focused on safety tips and precautions. Some of the one's that stood out to me were:
-If someone knocks on the door, you don't (and sometimes shouldn't) answer it, but you should make it clear that someone is in the house. You can turn your TV or music up, shout "Hey Johny, get the door" (even if there is no Johny and no one gets the door), etc. If a robber knocks and thinks no one is home, you run a higher risk that they make try to break in.
-If you are a girl living alone, it helps to deter criminals if they think you live with a large male or dog. You could buy a large pair of men's work boots to keep by your door, get a beware of dog sign, put a large dog bowl outside your entrance, etc
I left feeling not paranoid, but more informed and safer for the knowledge I gained. After class, my friend and I rushed to catch the last half of the Bachelor with some other girl friends. We made good use of the commercial breaks to fill in everyone on safety tips ;).
On another note, I won my Bachelor office pool by picking Catherine! Woop woop!
Today, I woke up hating the world a little bit less for the time change, collected my $20 Bachelor winnings, and the rain cleared up in time for me to take Libbs on a 4.5 mile run after work :) Bring it on, Wednesday!
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